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The Abundance Code: How to Bust the 7 Money Myths for a Rich Life Now, by Julie Ann Cairns
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Are you frustrated in your efforts to succeed and create abundance in your life? Are you exasperated even though you may have set goals for yourself, gained knowledge, and worked hard? Are your financial dreams just not working out the way you’d like them to, or as fast as you’d like them to? Are you wondering what is standing in your way, preventing you from accessing the life of freedom you’ve been dreaming about? Well, The Abundance Code is here to provide the answer you’ve been searching for…
There is a hidden yet crucial element to success and abundance that most people are unaware of—because that essential element is buried in their unconscious minds.
The Abundance Codeis about how you can (and must!) rewrite your subconscious programming so that you can effortlessly achieve the rich life of abundance you deserve. Julie Ann Cairns takes you through the “7 Money Myths”—an extremely common set of subconscious barriers put up between you and your attainment of abundant wealth and freedom—and helps you banish them, so that your subconscious “code” can come into alignment with your conscious goals for financial freedom. If your underlying programming does not support your goals—and it probably doesn’t—then Julie will show you how to get out of your own way and finally access the life you have always wanted.
You can be successful, you can be wealthy, and you can make money without expending physical effort or sacrificing too much of your precious time. You can become financially free with the luxury of choice. It’s all possible for you, but conscious goals and knowledge are not enough to make this happen—you also need a set of supporting subconscious beliefs in order to ultimately prosper. If you have tried and tried to attain financial freedom but are still struggling, then this book will provide the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for.
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